Successful edition of social ride 'Allez les Femmes'

Last Wednesday, the fourth edition of our social ride took place. On the same day, the Tour de France Femmes was in Belgium, which was the perfect occasion for us to organize a ride tailored to our female fans. Ambassador Isabelle Beckers led the women's peloton and shared her experiences with the enthusiastic participants.

Not so long ago, the Tour de France for women was limited to one race day, called “La Course. This took place on varying terrain, and Isabelle Beckers was there three times. These days she seeks her challenges mainly in the gravel world. This year she already participated in the Traka and recently she qualified for the World Gravel Championship in the Heathland Gravel. With her impressive background, she was of course our first choice to host this social ride.

Around the Paalse Plas

While the riders in the Tour rode the finale of their stage on the roads of Liège-Bastogne-Liège, we opted for a ride of about 45 kilometers on the rolling terrain around Bike Valley in Beringen. Under Isabelle's command, we rode around the Paalse Plas, climbed the Busselberg and stretched our legs in the evening red at the Schulensmeer. As the sun gently set, we chatted for a while in our Aerobar. An attending puppy provided the necessary entertainment.

Next edition

Many riders told us afterwards that they were already looking forward to the next social ride. It was great to socialize among cycling lovers and enjoy our shared love of cycling together. There will definitely be a sequel in 2024. We are currently looking at how we will organize that. More info will follow soon on all our channels!
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